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    Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, 2nd edition
    Autor: Michael J. Rosen
    Strana: 480
    Ostali detalji
    Veličina slova: A A
    The second edition of Rosen's Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction has been refreshed and updated to include today's latest advances in abdominal wall surgery. Coverage of 10 brand-new operative procedures -- each with an accompanying video -- provides the clear guidance needed to make the most effective use of both commonly performed and new and emerging surgical techniques for reconstruction. Comprehensive in scope and lavishly illustrated throughout, it's a must-have resource that residents and practitioners alike will reference for repairs ranging from the simple to the complex.

    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: Atlas of Abdominal Wall Reconstruction, 2nd edition
    Izdavač: Inostrani izdavač
    Strana: 480 (cb)
    Povez: tvrdi
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: 236 x 307 mm
    Godina izdanja: 2016
    ISBN: 978-032-337-459-0
    Cena: 29.619 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    296,00 EUR
    Naručite telefonom:
    +381 11 3055010
    +381 11 3055015

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    Kneza Višeslava 34, 11030 Beograd, Srbija
    e-pošta: prodaja(а)mikroknjiga.rs
    Komercijalna banka: 205-33117-65
    Matični broj: 07465181
    Šifra delatnosti: 5811
    PIB: 100575773
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