Biological, Functional, Orthodontic Models: the role of crushing forces in changes to the supporting tissues of the teeth in malocclusions
The role of crushing forces in changes to the supporting tissues of the teeth in malocclusion
The monograph Biological, functional, orthodontic models is the result of many years of scientific research by well - known researchers from different areas of human activities.
We examined the beginning of masticatory cycle in humans. First masticatory movement, crushing of food, when the greatest force is used. This was done under the conditions of physiological functions of human organism with clinical experiments, examinations and analyses, as well as the laboratory analyses, and part of it experimentally checked in the laboratory.
The condition of the supporting tissues of the teeth was obtained by clinical investigations, by using different kinds of indices, measurements and radiograph data. The same was used to obtain the condition of the supporting teeth tissues for every tooth of the whole dentition for every subject. Thus we got the condition of every tooth in the dentition. Clinical and laboratory experiments were applied in order to obtain the attacking points of forces action that we got with ST on masticatory surfaces of mandibular molars and premolars and their antagonists which differentiated themselves as biofunctional orthodontic models.
We obtained the differences in the attacking points and the magnitude of the action of the forces on the investigated teeth, according to the groups of orthodontic classification of the subjects, as well as the differences of the condition of the supporting teeth tissues.
During the investigation we obtained the attacking points of forces action on the teeth crowns which are dominant in relation to the whole surface of the teeth used in food crushing.
In the introduction and in the review of literature we also give a historical overview of the development of the present state of the supporting teeth tissues, malocclusions and the investigations of the forces of the stomatognatic system in humans.
The results of the investigations are properly presented and the conclusions are documented in the section about the results of the investigations.
The monograph contains 44 original color photographs, 57 diagrams and 3 tables.
Special thanks for great help that I surely needed go to:
Prof. dr. sc. specialist in orthodontia Milan D. Marković;
Mr. sc. math. Tomislav Stošić;
Dr. sc. specialist in oral and dental pathology with periodontology Vladimir Arsenijević;
Dr. sc. math. Marko Stošić.
(Annex in preparation)
Key words: periodontal diseases, malocclusions, crushing forces.
Monografija Biological, functional, orthodontic models je rezultat dugogodišnjeg naučno-istraživačkog rada priznatih stručnjaka iz različitih oblasti ljudskog delovanja.
Ispitali smo početak mastikatornog ciklusa kod ljudi. Prvi mastikatorni pokret, drobljenje hrane, kada se koristi najveća sila. To je učinjeno u uslovima fizioloških funkcija ljudskog organizma sa kliničkim eksperimentima, ispitivanjima i analizama, kao i laboratorijskim analizama, i deo je eksperimentalno proveren u laboratoriji.
Stanje potpornih tkiva zuba dobijeno je kliničkim istraživanjima, korišćenjem različitih vrsta indeksa, merenjima i radiografskim podacima. Isto je bilo korišćeno za dobijanje stanja potpornih tkiva zuba za svaki zub cele denticije za svakog ispitanika. Tako smo dobili stanje svakog zuba u denticiji. Klinički i laboratorijski eksperimenti su primenjeni radi dobijanja napadnih tačaka delovanja sila koje smo dobili sa ST na mastikatornim površinama mandibularnih molara i premolara i njihovih antagonista koji su sačinjavali – prikazali se kao biofunkcionalni ortodontski modeli.
Dobili smo razlike napadnih tačaka i veličinu/jačinu delovanja sila na ispitivanim zubima, prema grupama ortodontske klasifikacije subjekata, kao i razlike u stanjima potpornih tkiva zuba.
Tokom istraživanja dobili smo napadne tačke delovanja sila na krunicama testiranih zuba koje su dominantne u odnosu na čitavu površinu zuba korišćenih u drobljenju hrane.
U uvodu i pregledu literature takođe dajemo i kratki istorijski pregled postojanja promenjenih stanja potpornih tkiva zuba, postojanja malokluzija i ispitivanja sila stomatognatog sustava kod ljudi.
Rezultati istraživanja su odgovarajuće prikazani i zaključci su dokumentovani u rezultatima istraživanja.
Monografija sadrži 44 originalne kolorne fotografije, 57 dijagrama i 3 tabele.
Posebno se zahvaljujem na velikoj pomoći koja mi je bila neophodna:
Prof. dr. sc. specialist ortodont Milan D. Marković;
Mr. sc. mat. Tomislav Stošić;
Dr. sc. specialist za bolesti usta i zuba – parodontolog Vladimir Arsenijević;
Dr. sc. mat. Marko Stošić.
(Aneks u pripremi)
Ključne reči: parodontalna oboljenja, malokluzije, sile drobljenja hrane.
Detaljni podaci o knjiziNaslov: Biological, Functional, Orthodontic Models: the role of crushing forces in changes to the supporting tissues of the teeth in malocclusions
Izdavač: Čigoja štampa
Strana: 166 (cb)
Povez: meki
Pismo: latinica
Format: 165 x 235 mm
Godina izdanja: 2014
ISBN: 978-86-531-0052-0