Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 3rd edition
For more than 25 years, Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery has been the go-to resource for preparing for the American Board of Surgery certification exam. Following in this tradition, the 3rd Edition offers a comprehensive, contemporary summary of treatment options for colorectal diseases, with a focus on practical clinical science and applications. In a single, portable volume, you'll find complete coverage of new diagnostic modalities, medical therapeutics, and surgical treatment options, including minimally invasive surgery. Easy to read and digest, it provides a quick consultation with experts on the essentials of colon and rectal surgery.
Detaljni podaci o knjiziNaslov: Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 3rd edition
Izdavač: Inostrani izdavač
Strana: 536 (cb)
Povez: tvrdi
Pismo: latinica
Format: 221 x 279 mm
Godina izdanja: 2016
ISBN: 978-032-328-092-1