Managing Social Anxiety,Therapist Guide, 2nd Edition ()
The second edition of this therapist guide is designed to give mental health professionals the necessary tools to assess and treat social anxiety disorder. Although the components of the program remain unchanged, the authors have updated the guide to include clearer instructions for facilitating treatment, specifically for conducting in-session exposures and cognitive restructuring exercises. Also provided is helpful information for structuring treatment including suggested number of sessions for each chapter, session outlines, lists of materials needed, and homework assignments. Clinicians will find this guide comprehensive and easy to use. It has everything you need to implement a clinically proven and scientifically sound treatment for social anxiety.
Detaljni podaci o knjiziNaslov: Managing Social Anxiety,Therapist Guide, 2nd Edition ()
Izdavač: Oxford Univerity Press
Strana: 240 (cb)
Povez: meki
Pismo: latinica
Format: 251 x 175 cm
Godina izdanja: 2010
ISBN: 9780195336689