od 1984. god.
    CD/DVD▹Učenje jezikaEngleski
    Multimedijalna gramatika engleskog jezika
    Izdavač: Anima
    Oblast: CD/DVD▹Učenje jezikaEngleski
    Veličina slova: A A
    Multimedijalna gramatika engleskog jezika je prvenstveno namenjena učenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola, osobama koje uče engleski jezik na kursevima, a može da vam posluži i kao odličan podsetnik. Gramatika engleskog jezika je podeljena na 28 oblasti, koje obuhvataju vremena (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Prefect Continuous, Past Perfect Simple, Future Simple i Future Continuous kao i primenu modalnih glagola, pasiva, kondicionala, imenica, prideva, članova itd). Pri tome svaka oblast obuhvata između 10 i 20 pojedinačnih lekcija. Njihov osnovni sadržaj je u potpunosti multimedijalan što znači da svaku temu predstavlja video sekvenca praćena glasom instruktora. Osim toga, svaka gramatička oblast je i detaljno objašnjena kroz niz pratećih tekstova koji osim originalnog sadražaja na engleskom obuhvataju i prevod na srpski jezik. Pored lekcija na raspolaganju su vam i dve vrste testova. Prva vrsta će vam pomoći da još bolje uvežbate određenu gramatičku oblast, dok je druga vrsta namenjena proveri znanja kroz upoređivanje tema iz različitih oblasti.

    1. Present Simple To Be
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Negative Form -Short

    2. Present Simple
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Negative Form -Short Usage Giving Instruction

    3. Present Continuous
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage

    4. Past Simple To Be
    Affirmative Sentences Interrogative Form Negative Form

    5. Past Simple
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Irrerular Verbs List of Irregular Verbs Usage of Past Simple Tense

    6. Past Continous
    Forming Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage

    7. Present Perfect Simple
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Forming Usage

    8. Present Perfect Continuous
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage

    9. Past Perfect Simple
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage

    10. Future Simple
    Affirmative Form Affirmative Form - Short Interrogative Form Negative Form Negative Form - Short Usage

    11. Future Continuous
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form - Short Usage

    12. Modal Can
    Modal Verbs Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form Negative Form - Short Usage

    13. Modal Could
    Affirmative Form Negative Form Interrogative Form Usage

    14. Modal Should-Would
    Affirmative Form (Should) Interrogative Form Negative Form - Short Usage Affirmative Form (Would) Interrogative Form Negative Form - Short Usage

    15. Modal May-Might
    Affirmative Form (May) Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage Affirmative Form (Might) Interrogative Form Negative Form Usage

    16. Modal Must
    Affirmative Form Interrogative Form Negative Form (Needn't) Negative Form (Mustn't) Usage

    17. Pasive Voice
    Structure Infinitive Usage

    18. Conditional
    Conditional 1 Conditional 2 Conditional 3 Mixed Conditionals Replacing If

    19. Reported Speech

    20. Br. Am. English
    Difference Usage

    21. Numbers
    Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers

    22. Alphabet
    English Alphabet Vowels and diphthongs Consonants

    23. Nouns
    Plural Irregular Plural Non-countable

    24. Adjectives
    Differences Comparison Forming Irregular More and Most

    25. Adverbs
    Usage Forming Comparison Time Place Manner Frequency Degree

    26. Articles
    Definitive THE - Indefinite A/AN Definite Usage Indefinite Usage Omission

    27. Pronouns
    Personal Pronouns - Possessive Adjectives Objective Personal Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns Interrogative Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Universal Pronouns Negative Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

    28. Prepositions
    Prepositions In - Place Time For Transport In Expressions At - Place Time In Expressions On - Place Time In Expressions To - Time/Place Under/Behind/Opposite

    Detaljni podaci
    Naslov: Multimedijalna gramatika engleskog jezika
    Izdavač: Anima
    Cena: 1.800 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    18,00 EUR
    Naručite telefonom:
    Nije radno vreme
    nismo dostupni na telefonu.

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    Budite prvi koji će svoje mišljenje podeliti sa drugima (morate biti prijavljeni)

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    Prijavite se ovde i pošaljite vaša mišljenja i pitanja našim urednicima i čitaocima

    Poruku poslaoPoruka
    Kneza Višeslava 34, 11030 Beograd, Srbija
    e-pošta: prodaja(а)mikroknjiga.rs
    Komercijalna banka: 205-33117-65
    Matični broj: 07465181
    Šifra delatnosti: 5811
    PIB: 100575773
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