od 1984. god.
    Knjige na engleskom jeziku▹Rečnici i gramatike
    Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary, 8th Edition Hardback with CD-ROM (includes Oxford iWriter): The world s best-selling advanced-level dictionary for learner
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    The world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary, now with Oxford iWriter to help students plan, write and review their written work.

    The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, or OALD, is recommended by teachers and students because it defines words in language students understand, gives useful example sentences, and includes the help learners need to expand their vocabulary to 7500+ words.

    It has sold over 35 million copies worldwide and is the world's best-selling advanced learner's dictionary.

    The new 8th edition with Oxford iWriter, an interactive tutor to improve writing skills, offers 8 new reasons to choose OALD.

    This pack includes:


    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: Oxford Advanced Learner s Dictionary, 8th Edition Hardback with CD-ROM (includes Oxford iWriter): The world s best-selling advanced-level dictionary for learner
    Izdavač: Oxford Univerity Press
    Povez: tvrdi
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: cm
    ISBN: 978-0-19-479904-1
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