Power electronics - converters and regulators
This book is the result of the extensive experience the authors gained through their year-long occupation at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Banja Luka. Starting at the fundamental basics of electrical engineering, the book guides the reader into this field and covers all the relevant types of converters and regulators. Understanding is enhanced by the given examples, exercises and solutions. Thus this book can be used as a textbook for students, for self-study or as a reference book for professionals.
Keywords – AC/DC Converters – Bipolar Transistors – Current Conversion – Electrical Power Supply -Integrated Pulse Converters – MOS Transistors – PWM Control Modules – PWM DC/DC Converters -Push-Pull Converters – Thyristors
Detaljni podaci o knjiziNaslov: Power electronics - converters and regulators
Izdavač: Elektrotehnički fakultet Banja Luka
Strana: 597 (cb)
Povez: tvrdi
Pismo: latinica
Format: B5
Godina izdanja: 2015
ISBN: 978-86-7466-492-6