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    Sailors of the Sky: A conversation with F.Stamatis Skliris and F. Marko Rupnik on contemporary Chrystian art
    Autor: Radovan Bigović
    Strana: -
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    Veličina slova: A A
    1.What is the role of art in the life of the Church today?

    Fr. Marko: Art wa of great importance in the life of the Church. Today, its role and position in the Church are becoming even more important becouse, in the past few centuries, thought has started to move toward a more abstract and theoretical, philosophical approach. It is very dangerous to think of Christianity as an ideology among many others, as one of many moral theories. This is not only threatening the Western church, becouse I have often gotten the impression, in listening to sermons of Orthodox priestes, the moralisam has becoume a problem among Eastern Chtistians, too …

    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: Sailors of the Sky: A conversation with F.Stamatis Skliris and F. Marko Rupnik on contemporary Chrystian art
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: 15×23 cm
    Cena: 930 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    9,00 EUR

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