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    The Concise Dictionary of Mathematics 4 edition
    Autori: Christopher Clapham, James Nicholson
    Strana: -
    Ostali detalji
    Veličina slova: A A
    1 Table of areas and volumes
    2 Table of centres of mass
    3 Table of moments of inertia
    4 Table of derivatives
    5 Table of integrals
    6 Table of common ordinary differential equations and
    7 Table of series
    8 Table of convergence tests for series
    9 Table of common inequalities
    10 Table of trigonometric formulae
    11 Table of symbols
    12 Table of Greek letters
    13 Table of Roman numerals
    14 Table of Fields Medal Winners

    Preface to Second Edition
    This dictionary is intended to be a reference book that gives reliable definitions or clear and precise explanations of mathematical terms. The level is such that it will suit, among others, sixth-form pupils, college students and first-year university students who are taking mathematics as one of their courses. Such students will be able to look up any term they may meet and be led on to other entries by following up cross-references or by browsing more generally.
    The concepts and terminology of all those topics that feature in pure and applied mathematics and statistics courses at this level today are covered. There are also entries on mathematicians of the past and important mathematics of more general interest. Computing is not included. The reader’s attention is drawn to the appendices which give useful tables for ready reference.
    Some entries give a straight definition in an opening phrase. Others give the definition in the form of a complete sentence, sometimes following an explanation of the context. An asterisk is used to indicate words with their own entry, to which cross-reference can be made if required.
    This edition is more than half as large again as the first edition. A significant change has been the inclusion of entries covering applied mathematics and statistics. In these areas, I am very much indebted to the contributors, whose names are given on page v. I am most grateful to these colleagues for their specialist advice and drafting work. They are not, however, to be held responsible for the final form of the entries on their subjects. There has also been a considerable increase in the number of short biographies, so that all the major names are included. Other additional entries have greatly increased the comprehensiveness of the dictionary.
    The text has benefited from the comments of colleagues who have read different parts of it. Even though the names of all of them will not be given, I should like to acknowledge here their help and express my thanks.
    Christopher Clapham

    Preface to Third Edition

    Since the second edition was published the content and emphasis of applied mathematics and statistics at sixth-form, college and first-year university levels has changed considerably. This edition includes many more applied statistics entries as well as dealing comprehensively with the new decision and discrete mathematics courses, and a large number of new biographies on 20th-century mathematicians. I am grateful to the Headmaster and Governors of Belfast Royal Academy for their support and encouragement to take on this task, and to Louise, Joanne, and Laura for transcribing my notes.
    James Nicholson

    Preface to Fourth Edition

    Since the third edition was published there has been a dramatic increase in both access to the internet and the amount of information available. The major change to this edition is the introduction of a substantial number of weblinks, many of which contain dynamic or interactive illustrations related to the definition.
    James Nicholson

    Detaljni podaci o knjizi
    Naslov: The Concise Dictionary of Mathematics 4 edition
    Izdavač: Oxford Univerity Press
    Pismo: latinica
    Format: cm
    ISBN: 978-0-19-923594-0
    Cena: 1.500 RSD
    Cena za inostranstvo:
    15,00 EUR
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